The Johnny Cash Roadshow
‘THE touring theatre concert show celebrating the life and music of the late great Johnny Cash’

About the Show
‘Clive captures my Grandfather JUST as he was’ – Caitlin Crowell, Granddaughter of Johnny Cash. Johnny Cash Roadshow is back with an all-new production of their much-loved show. This time set on a Folsom Prison style stage, award winning Clive John pays homage to Cash in his warming unique way, alongside his iconic wife June Carter (Meghan Thomas) and some of the best musicians in the world playing double bass, fender telecaster and acoustic guitars, drums, piano, trumpet and four-part vocal harmonies. You will experience the versatility and depth of these timeless songs as all the hits are delivered such as Walk the Line, Ring of Fire, Jackson, Orange Blossom Special and Boy Named Sue along-side some of the darker more troubled material from the later American Recordings such as Hurt. This year’s show is an emotional roller-coaster through Cash’s career, packed together in one fantastic, unforgettable evening’s entertainment.
With standing ovations every night, Johnny Cash Roadshow is the longest running, most recognised and still the biggest and best celebration of Johnny Cash in the world today guaranteed to leave you wanting more.
I had the pleasure to see the ‘Johnny Cash Roadshow / Spirit Band’ just this past weekend in Manchester. As a member of this family, the Cash Family, I was in awe of how incredible the performances were. Clive and his June capture my Grandfather and Grandmother JUST as they were in this world they put a mark in. And not just the focus of the show, being those two talents, but the rest of the crew, absolutely brilliant. I have never seen a stand-up bass spun around that fast, just to predict the perfect punctuation for landing! And don’t get me started on the electric and the drums! AMAZING!
I sincerely believe that there is an art form to “tributing”, but this was absolutely authentic to the point where it felt as if it wasn’t a tribute, per say, it was a rock-n-roll gig! givenby some sincere rock-n-rollers! I am a fan!
Caitlin Crowell
Granddaughter of Mr. Johnny Cash and Mrs. June Carter Cash

The Shop
‘Clive has reached perhaps the upmost level for a tribute band: sounding more like Johnny Cash than Johnny Cash did, at least at some points of his career. This is the closest we will ever get to attending a Johnny Cash concert. We should be grateful for this opportunity.’
Bournemouth Pavilion review – Jan 30 2017.
Clive sings moves and acts just like the ‘Man in Black.’ The Johnny Cash legend will continue….
Lasse Lindfors – Author and lifelong friend of Johnny Cash
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